Prompt Payment Policy

Here you’ll find details of our prompt payment policy – if you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be on hand to help!

If you are an authorised cloud supplier to our company or would like to become an authorised supplier please read the information below.


A2ZCloud is committed to paying suppliers and organisations promptly. We aim to pay within seven working days of receiving a correctly completed invoice.


Suppliers can help to ensure that their invoices are paid promptly if all the information is correct and includes:

1. Valid Purchase Order (PO) number and invoice numbers
2. A2Z Cloud as the addressee
3. Date of invoice
4. Supplier name, contact details and bank details
5. Description of the goods/ works or services
6. Name of A2Z Contact authorising the supply of goods or services contact
7. Correct Net and Gross values (include VAT and VAT number where applicable)

Please note we do not accept paper invoices. Paper is untraceable and easily lost. Please send all invoices to us as a pdf to the email address on the PO. This is usually:

A set of frequently asked questions on our Prompt Payment Policy, which includes our emergency and exception process, is available here: A2Z Cloud Prompt Payment Policy if you have any additional questions please email us at:

The A2ZCloud Prompt Payment Policy supports the principles of The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) prompt payment code (

If you would like further information please call us on: 01722480300 and ask to speak to the finance department.

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